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How to Use Facebook Live to Improve Your Business

Why Facebook Live is a must for your business

Facebook Live is the latest trend that utilises live streaming to boost your business. Create content that will reach as many potential clients as possible, along with likes, reactions, comments, and importantly, shares.

Facebook has, reportedly, been boosting live video more than any other content which means more exposure for your business.

Which type of video should you choose?

Creating live content for your business is a little different than producing a conventional advertisement. You will need to make sure that your content is exciting for a longer period and encourages engagement from your followers.

We don't all like being on camera, and we're not all photo-genic, so here are some content ideas:

Behind the scenes: Most of your followers like to see the faces behind your business, be that a virtual tour of your headquarters, profiling employees or disclosing how you came up with your product.

Interviews: A great example for a successful Live, is welcoming an important figure from your business for a Q&A session giving followers the chance to interact with them. Facebook has a tool that allows a two-person screen, so you don’t have to be situated in the same room as your guest.

Tutorials: This type of video should be informative, interesting, and long enough for your followers to engage with. Use this opportunity to showcase how professional you are and impress your followers with your “hands-on” approach. Hopefully, they will finish watching the video wanting to know more about your business.

Webinars: This is where you present your idea or product, with the use of visual features. Make it as interactive as possible by using the live for a Q & A session.

Events: If you host a live event such as a conference, Facebook Live allows your followers be part of it too! Feature your conference and make it look fabulous on camera, which just might convince those viewers to join you for the next one.

Competitions: If you entice your followers with a chance to win prizes for watching, then it goes without saying that more people will be participating in your Live. Offering regular prizes is an excellent way to guarantee more views.

Have fun: Remember on your Live you have the chance to show your followers who you really are. So, use this occasion to make your viewers laugh either with you or at you! However, be sure to stay on track by promoting your business.

Where to begin?

Facebook is straightforward to operate, nevertheless, if you want to produce the best content possible, follow these 3 steps:

1. Plan: Contemplate your ideas and decide the purpose of your video. Consider who is your target audience, and what outcome do you hope for? Prepare a script and include a summary of all the products/services you provide. Remember to choose a date and time that will generate the most engagement.

2. Choose your equipment: Facebook allows you to choose which device is best for your production and budget needs:

Mobile phones: these are the obvious, accessible choice to create a low cost Live.

Desktops: Most have or allow connection to a camera, so, use one of the free software available to create something more advanced.

Real production: if your budget allows it, a shoot in a studio provides a full experience for your viewers.

Sound: use your device’s microphone or get an external one, perfect for interviewing, or you could go without sound at all, depending on the kind of video you decide to shoot.

3. Go Live! Lights… Camera… Action! There are few technical steps you will need to follow in order to master this, but be aware, once you go live, there is no going back!

Still unsure how to start? Watch this excellent tutorial How to go Live on Facebook.

And finally:

So, your business’s video is now part of the online marketing cloud! Facebook Live saves your video to your company page, so you can view it again and analyse how well it went! You can also see how many people viewed your Live, how the interaction went, read the comments, and even reply if needed.

If you are satisfied with the outcome, continue to follow that same format, and create more great content. If you were disappointed, study the numbers and fine-tune things for your next one!


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